Server Configuration File

In this section, we will introduce parameters in the server configuration file.

Introduction to the server configuration file

The server configuration file defines the node configuration of IBAX.


This file is located in the working directory of the server and is named config.toml.


The configuration file consists the following sections:

general section

It defines the working directory DataDir, the first block directory FirstBlockPath and other parameters.


It defines the TCP service parameters.

TCPServer is used for the network interaction between nodes.


It defines the HTTP service parameters.

HTTPServer provides RESTful APIs.


It defines parameters of the PostgreSQL node database.


It defines parameters of the node operation indicator collector StatsD.


It defines parameters of the notification service Centrifugo.


It defines parameters of the log service Log.


It defines parameters of the token circulation service TokenMovement.

An example configuration file

PidFilePath \= "/IBAX-data/"
LockFilePath \= "/IBAX-data/go-ibax.lock"
DataDir \= "/IBAX-data"
KeysDir \= "/IBAX-data"
TempDir \= "/var/folders/_l/9md_m4ms1651mf5pbng1y1xh0000gn/T/IBAX-temp"
FirstBlockPath \= "/IBAX-data/1block"
TLS \= false
TLSCert \= ""
TLSKey \= ""
OBSMode \= "none"
HTTPServerMaxBodySize \= 1048576
MaxPageGenerationTime \= 3000
NodesAddr \= []

  Host \= ""
  Port \= 7078

  Host \= ""
  Port \= 7079

  Name \= "IBAX"
  Host \= ""
  Port \= 5432
  User \= "postgres"
  Password \= "123456"
  LockTimeout \= 5000

  Host \= ""
  Port \= 8125
  Name \= "IBAX"

  Secret \= ""
  URL \= ""

  LogTo \= "stdout"
  LogLevel \= "ERROR"
  LogFormat \= "text"
  Facility \= "kern"
  Tag \= "go-ibax"

  Host \= ""
  Port \= 0
  Username \= ""
  Password \= ""
  To \= ""
  From \= ""
  Subject \= ""

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